GHG Market Report 2021
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The Anatomy of the Carbon Market lays out the different parts of the carbon market and how to ensure its health – recognising a need to ensure the many new entrants to emissions trading understand what is meant by “the carbon market”.
The report is structured around the market’s nerve centre, connective tissue, and health measures, covering topics such as key trends in emissions trading, how to maximise climate ambitions, the role for offsets, and how to grow a robust voluntary carbon market. The report also includes an overview of Blue-Sky Thinking, a project conducted jointly with ITN Productions Industry News on the race to net-zero emissions, which also encompasses the different parts of the carbon market.
Other highlights include how markets can support the move to net-zero emissions, the interaction between climate and trade policies, the role of the financial sector in the carbon market, how Article 6 can be used, and why transparency is vital.