Net zero: The integrity pathway

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is vital to fighting climate change and the race is on to reach the Paris Agreement’s target of zero emissions by 2050. In the lead up to COP27, IETA, International Carbon Reduction and Offsetting Accreditation (ICROA) and ITN Business produced a news-style programme, Net Zero: The Integrity Pathway, showcasing best practices and innovative solutions in carbon reduction and offsetting.

The programme explores the advances in technology and increase in innovative products and services that are helping companies take huge steps towards achieving their sustainability goals. Net Zero: The Integrity Pathway also explores the regulation of what is now a billion-dollar industry, looking at accreditation programmes and speaking to the organisations that are ensuring best practice in the carbon offsetting space.

Anchored by presenter Clare Nasir, the programme features an interview with Andrea Abrahams, the Managing Director of ICROA, an initiative housed within IETA which promotes best practice when it comes to high quality emissions reductions and the use of carbon credits.  The programme also takes a closer look at the ICROA Accreditation Programme. Net Zero: The Integrity Pathway also includes a special news report from Singapore, looking at how IETA and the World Bank are working together to further enhance transparency and environmental integrity of carbon credit transactions, through a decentralised metadata platform built on blockchain technology.

Full programme


What is High Integrity Carbon Offsetting?

Climate Action Data Trust

Interview with Andrea Abrahams, ICROA


Anew Climate

Clear Blue Markets

C Quest Capital



Global Carbon Council


Klik Foundation


Nuseed Carinata



S&P Global


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Verra 2
