IETA annual report shines a light on the carbon market body

GENEVA, 16 December – IETA is pleased to release its GHG Market Report 2021, which examines the carbon market body, capturing the various components that combine to form the vibrant – and growing – market, and how it is kept healthy.

The Anatomy of the Carbon Market is structured around the market’s nerve centre, connective tissue, and health measures, covering topics such as key trends in emissions trading, how to maximise climate ambitions, and how to grow a robust voluntary carbon market. The report also includes an overview of Blue-Sky Thinking, a project conducted jointly with ITN Productions Industry News on the race to net-zero emissions, which also encompasses the different parts of the carbon market.

Some of this year’s authors will be discussing their contributions at a special launch event later on Thursday – participation is free, and registration is available online.

“This has been a pivotal year for emissions trading, with existing markets racing to record high prices, and growth in coverage as other jurisdictions breathe life into new systems,” says IETA President and CEO Dirk Forrister.

“Interest is only going to continue to surge, especially now that the rules for international cooperation under the Paris Agreement have been finalised, and as ever more corporates adopt and act on net-zero pledges,” he continues. “At this critical juncture, this year’s report takes a step back and dissects the various drivers and components for carbon markets around the world, and how we can ensure robust, healthy growth.”

Other highlights include how markets can help the move to net-zero emissions, the role of the financial sector in the carbon market, how Article 6 can be used, and why transparency is vital.