IETA LIVE Carbon Markets – Demand Dynamics in the Voluntary Carbon Market: Research Findings & Strategies

Virtual Event
Read the Joint Statement.
Review the research from this webinar.
Recording for Session 1 available HERE.
Recording for Session 2 available HERE.
Join our IETA LIVE webinar as we explore the latest research and discover how demand within the Voluntary Carbon Market (VCM) is evolving.
Our panellists will examine insights from three key studies ahead of an engaging discussion on common conclusions derived from the methodologies.
- All in on Climate: The Role of Carbon Credits in Corporate Climate Strategies by Ecosystem Marketplace plus additional reports
- Using Carbon Credits to Meet Corporate Climate Targets by MSCI Carbon Markets (formally Trove) for VCMI
- High Integrity Demand in the VCM by AlliedOffsets for IETA
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to expand your knowledge, participate in essential discussions on the role of carbon credits to accelerate our global delivery of net zero, and shape the industry’s future.
Moderator: Andrea Abrahams, IETA
- Stephen Donofrio, Independent
- Mark Kenber, VCMI
- James Griffiths, MSCI
- Antonia Drummond, AlliedOffsets