


Dar es-Salaam, Tanzania





A Public-private engagement on the role of Article 6 and the Voluntary Carbon Market

Hosted by the Government of Tanzania and co-organised by the International Emissions Trading Association (IETA), the Business Partnership for Market Implementation (BPMI), the Eastern Africa Alliance on Carbon Markets & Climate Finance (EAA), GIZ Tanzania and EAC, UN Climate Change and the World Bank (WB).

Expression of Interest by May 20, 2024 HERE

Sponsorship opportunities available HERE



    Eastern Africa Regional Carbon Market Dialogue:

    Public-private engagement on the role of Article 6 and the Voluntary Carbon Market.


    IETA’s Business Partnership for Market Implementation (B-PMI) is joining forces with the Eastern African Alliance on Carbon Markets and Climate Finance, GIZ, RCC East and Southern Africa and the World Bank to organise a three-day technical workshop that will bring together a broad group of carbon market stakeholders and experts on 3-5 September in Dar es-Salaam, Tanzania.

    The objectives of the Eastern Africa Regional Carbon Market Dialogue are:

    • Gain deep knowledge of technical aspects related to carbon.
    • Analyse the implications and obstacles of the transition of the CDM for the private sector.
    • Understand how thevoluntary carbon market (VCM) can help accelerate NDC delivery in Eastern Africa.
    • Understand the interaction between carbon crediting mechanisms and Article 6.
    • Facilitate networking sessions to connect private sector stakeholders with potential partners.
    • Promote dialogue and collaboration between the public and private sectors.
    • Discuss regulatory frameworks on carbon markets in different countries of the region.
    • Address the challenges encountered by the private sector in implementing carbon projects.
    • Explore key considerations for ensuring high-integrity carbon market projects.

    The event will include panels, breakouts, and side events involving key private and public sector actors, from local project developers and technical experts to financial institutions and potential investors with carbon market experience and interest in Eastern African countries.

    Beyond facilitating the identification of key challenges and areas for further collaboration to make carbon markets work in the region, the workshop aims to promote connections within the Eastern African carbon market landscape. After the workshop, participants will have enhanced knowledge of technical aspects, regulations, and opportunities to help markets reach their full mitigation potential in the region and attract resources to finance the climate commitments of Eastern African countries.

    Participate in this great opportunity to listen and interact with government representatives, the business sector and key stakeholders that are leading regional efforts to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement!



    • 03 September – DAY 1: Understanding Article 6 of the Paris Agreement and its Significance for East Africa
    • 04 September – DAY 2: Voluntary Carbon Markets (VCM) and Interaction with Article 6
    • 05 September – DAY 3: Solving Challenges and Harnessing Opportunities in Eastern Africa

    • Interested in speaking and partner sponsor opportunities, hosting your own session or meeting, contact AndreaBonzanni, bonzanni@ieta.org  or Pedro Venzon venzon@ieta.org – Visibility Package details available HERE.
    • Would like to express your interest in attending, please fill out the form HERE.