
IETA is a non-profit organisation representing businesses committed to smart, well-designed and effective carbon markets to help achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement and reach net-zero emissions by 2050.

Our History

Caption details here

In June 1999, a visionary group of international companies and business associations established IETA. Their objective was to build on the economic mechanisms created by the Kyoto Protocol in order to achieve climate objectives with minimal economic harm.

IETA was the first international, multi-sectoral, purely business group devoted to pricing and trading greenhouse gas reductions. From the start, it had a strong focus on the Kyoto mechanisms and helped members using, hosting and investing in Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and Joint Implementation (JI) projects by disseminating policy and market information and promoting development and reform. As markets developed, IETA expanded its work to cover the EU ETS, sub-national efforts in North America, China, Korea, New Zealand and emerging markets across Latin America. In more recent years, IETA has also developed work streams on digitisation, aviation, natural climate solutions, voluntary carbon markets, and carbon removals.

IETA has a proud history of convening carbon market participants. In 2004, IETA joined the World Bank and Koelnmesse in co-founding Carbon Expo, the first annual global carbon trade fair and conference. It continues today under the banner of Innovate4Climate, still the largest and most authoritative gathering of carbon market stakeholders. IETA built on this experience to co-organise regional Carbon Forums in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, and North America, offering IETA members platforms to discover new opportunities around the world.

IETA has remained true to its mission through highs and lows in market activity – and through political shifts and economic shocks. It continues to aim for excellence in harnessing market forces to deliver climate protection – to address climate challenges with market solutions and to make net zero possible.

  • IETA’s trusted business voice facilitates carbon markets to be optimised and net zero by 2050 is achieved

  • IETA’s mission is to:

    • Empower business to engage in climate action and pursue net zero ambitions to advance the Paris Agreement’s objectives, and
    • Establish effective market-based trading systems for GHG emissions and reductions that are environmentally robust, fair, open, efficient, accountable and consistent across national boundaries.

    In pursuit of our mission, IETA works in collaboration with other stakeholders to:

    • Develop components of the GHG market and trading systems

    At the international level, IETA focuses on the transparency rules and accounting standards under Articles 5 and 6 of the Paris Agreement, and also for the Carbon Offset and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) and voluntary markets. At the national and sub-national levels, IETA promotes best practices for offset and allowance markets aligned with the goal of reaching net-zero emissions by 2050.

    • Develop a global GHG market

    IETA is dedicated to the establishment of linked trading systems to ensure efficient and competitive GHG markets. IETA provides thought leadership on the distinct advantages of linked markets by collaborating with deep subject matter experts in academia and think-tanks.

    • Strengthen business capacity and embrace innovation

    IETA brings together experienced carbon market practitioners and stakeholders in new emissions markets to share lessons learned and best practices. IETA seeks continuous improvement in carbon pricing systems, including innovations to advance natural climate solutions.

    • Promote market-based solutions and broad participation in GHG markets

    IETA uses its global reach and reputation to promote the go-to events for market participants, including its many regional carbon fora. These events showcase excellence, explore market insights and offer networking opportunities in every region of the world.

  • Mission Driven

    We are committed to delivering on the IETA Mission through everything we do and the way
    we work.


    We always maintain our authenticity, integrity and remain fact-based.

    Diverse and Inclusive

    We recognise the value that everyone’s diverse experiences, abilities and backgrounds can bring and are fully committed to ensuring our policies, processes and behaviours promote equality and an inclusive culture.


    We work well with others, towards a common goal, learning from one another and solving problems through our collective experience and skills.


    We are open and honest with others, no matter how challenging it might be. We welcome the benefits that come from being straightforward.


Why emissions trading?

Emissions trading is one of the principal policy instruments available to manage industrial greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by encouraging operational excellence and the deployment of new and existing technologies. Emissions trading is effective because:

  • It is economically efficient
  • It is specifically designed to deliver an environmental objective
  • It delivers a clear price signal

How it works

A central objective of climate change policy should be the efficient direction of capital within the market towards low and zero carbon emission investment. To achieve this an emissions market requires:

  • Scarcity of emission allowances to create the price signal
  • Long-term clarity and predictability of rules and targets

Growth and linking

In the longer term the market should grow and evolve to provide wide sectoral, geographic and GHG coverage, leading to a global trading regime. This will require:

  • Similar rules and enforcement within an array of approaches
  • Mechanisms to link different approaches
  • An offset mechanism based on verifiable emission reduction projects and programmes
    • Offset based mechanisms offer the opportunity for countries yet to introduce an allowance based approach to participate in the market
    • Offset mechanisms should be created through a transparent process that recognizes business decision-making realities and is both environmentally effective and economically efficient
    • The use of offset mechanisms should not be unduly constrained


IETA aims to ensure that system design, implementation and review delivers a functioning, efficient market. Key aspects of our approach include:

  • Transparency of design and operation
  • Sufficient scale to operate and deliver emissions reduction
  • No artificial barriers to access or participation
  • Low transaction costs and limited bureaucracy
  • Delivery without intervention (i.e. no price caps or price floors, no artificial supply barriers such as limits on the use of reduction units from projects)
  • Adequate offset availability
  • A fair and equitable allowance allocation process that does not withdraw capital from the firms and industries covered by the scheme, nor grants windfall profits
  • Recognition of the important link between the holder of allowances and the initiation of actions that create the reductions
  • The need for trading systems to recognise all verifiable key abatement technologies, including Carbon Capture and Storage
  • That the release of market data is well managed

IETA upholds its principles by acting as a think tank, a convenor of dialogues, an advocate, a market promoter and acting as a body that is able to drive market standards.

Our Team

  • Andrea Abrahams

    Managing Director, VCM

    London, UK

  • Leya Ally

    Carbon Markets Programme Manager, South Africa

  • Awagbé Antille

    Conference & Operations Manager

    Geneva, Switzerland

  • Lynne Backhouse

    Communications Manager

    Bristol, UK

  • Andrea Bonzanni

    Director, International Policy

    New York, USA

  • Valeria Curiel Campos

    Membership Program Assistant

  • Agustina Cundari

    International Policy Advisor

  • Aurora D’Aprile

    EU Policy Officer

  • Franco Sebastián D’Aprile

    Program Manager, ICROA

    Geneva, Switzerland

  • Antoine Diemert

    Accreditation and VCM Policy Director

    Geneva, Switzerland

  • Björn Fondén

    International Policy Manager – APAC Lead


  • Dirk Forrister

    President & CEO

    London, UK

  • Will Gifford

    Policy Manager – Aviation and NCS Lead

    London, UK

  • Charlotte Glossop

    Interim COO

    London, UK

  • Bianka Grobler

    Operations Administrator

  • Elisa Guida

    Project Coordinator


  • Mushra Hartley

    Operations Manager

    South Africa

  • Simon Henry

    Director, Carbon Market Development

    Geneva, Switzerland

  • Joseph Hoekstra


    Edmonton, Canada

  • Nomfundo Jele

    Communications Advisor

  • Justin Johnson

    RGGI Representative

    Montpellier, USA

  • Su Ling Khoo

    Singapore Representative


  • Evan Kong

    Technical Director, CAD Trust


  • Tom Lawler

    Washington Representative

    Washington, DC, USA

  • Min Li

    China Representative

    Beijing, China

  • Nadine Lim

    International Policy Analyst

  • Kyle Lynch

    Research Analyst

    Geneva, Switzerland

  • Badr Maallem

    Conference & Logistics Manager

    Geneva, Switzerland

  • Julia Michalak

    EU Policy Director

    Brussels, Belgium

  • Meg Miller

    Membership Program Manager

    Toronto, Canada

  • Takashi Morishima

    Japan Representative

    Tokyo, Japan

  • Christian Mosquera

    Conference & Partnerships Manager

    Geneva, Switzerland

  • Svea Nyberg

    EU Policy Officer

    Brussels, Belgium

  • Jeanette Pablo

    Senior Advisor


  • Luis Panichelli

    VCM Policy Director

  • Daniela Rossi

    Events Coordinator

  • Jeremy Rubin

    Policy Analyst

  • Lisa Spafford

    Managing Director

    Geneva, Switzerland

  • Ieva Steponaviciute

    Strategy & Outreach Director, CAD Trust

    Berlin, Germany

  • Katie Sullivan

    Managing Director

    Toronto, Canada

  • Kajol Tandon

    India Representative

  • Camilo Trujillo

    LAC Policy Advisor


  • Pedro Venzon

    Policy Manager – Brazil Lead

    Geneva, Switzerland

  • Alessandro Vitelli

    Communications Advisor

    London, UK

  • Chris Winch

    People Operations

    London, UK

  • Hannes Zimmermann

    Programme Manager for Voluntary Carbon Market Formation

    Programme Manager, ICVCM


IETA received legal non-profit status from the government of Switzerland in June 2000, and received United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change non-governmental organisation accreditation in October 2000.

IETA is a membership organisation where all members have one vote, used at the Annual General Meeting and any Extraordinary General meetings. Half of IETA’s 18 Board members are elected each year.

IETA’s articles and bylaws are available online. IETA’s competition policy and internal guidance for developing position papers are also available.


  • Finance Committee

    Federico Di Credico
    Liv Rathe
    Hendrik Rosenthal

  • Governance Committee

    Lisa DeMarco, Chair
    Daniele Agostini
    Kerry Liebenberg
    Julie Mulkerin Ortiz

  • Membership Committee

    Daniele Agostini
    Jonathan Grant
    Leslie Durschinger

  • Communications Committee

    Kerry Liebenberg
    Sandeep Chaudhury
    Abyd Karmali OBE

  • Enric Arderiu Serra

    Global Head of
    Environmental Products

    Enric is the Global Head of Environmental Products at Mercuria. He leads a global team covering a wide range of environmental products both in compliance and voluntary markets. The Environmental Products team manages carbon pricing for customers and helps develop carbon emission reduction and removal projects across the world. Prior to joining Mercuria, Enric was heading Low Carbon Trading in bp. Enric has been active in environmental markets since 2005 when he joined EcoSecurities. Enric holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economics, a Master in Finance by London Business School and speaks four languages.

  • Mary Grady

    Executive Director
    American Carbon Registry

    Mary Grady is President and CEO of Environmental Resources Trust (ERT), a wholly owned nonprofit subsidiary of Winrock International. She has been active in environmental markets for 30 years including 15 years at Winrock where she serves as the Executive Director of ACR, responsible for the strategic leadership of ACR’s operations in global regulated and voluntary carbon markets, and as the Executive Director of the Architecture for REDD+ Transactions (ART). Mary secured approval of both ACR and ART to supply credits to ICAO’s CORSIA. She leads Winrock’s delegation to the UNFCCC and serves as Vice-Chair of the Board of IETA. Prior to working in carbon markets, Mary worked for 16 years in the renewable energy industry.

  • Federico Di Credico

    Managing Director
    ACT Group

    Federico is the Managing Director for Asia Pacific at ACT Group and a board member at CAD Trust.

    With ACT, a leading provider of market-based sustainability solutions, he initially led activities in Southern Europe and later expanded his role to support new business development initiatives for the Group. In March 2017, he became the Managing Director at ACT Financial Solutions, establishing the investment entity, now holding a financial license in 28 countries. Relocating to Singapore in April 2022, Federico spearheads ACT’s APAC expansion, overseeing strategy and operations to meet the region’s growing sustainability needs.

  • Daniele Agostini

    Head of Low Carbon Policies & Carbon Regulation

  • Kavita Ahluwalia

    Senior Vice President Governmental Relations International

    Kavita Ahluwalia is Senior Vice President Governmental Relations International at Uniper. She previously held several positions in the company, having joined its predecessor E.ON ahead of the spin-off in 2016. No stranger to European policy making, she has worked for the likes of E3G (NGO) and Burson-Marsteller (now Burson), as a Parliamentary Assistant to Avril Doyle MEP (EPP;IE) and within the European Commission. She assisted Doyle in her work as Rapporteur for the EU Emissions Trading Directive Review in 2008/09 and also worked as an intern and contractual agent in the then Climate Directorate of DG Environment (now CLIMA) at the European Commission.

    Kavita holds an M.Econ.Sc. in European Economic and Public Affairs, as well as a Bachelor of Business and Legal Studies (BBLS) both from University College Dublin (UCD). A British and Irish National, born and raised in Germany, she is bilingual in German and English.

    Aside from sitting on the IETA Council, Kavita also serves as Co-Chair in IETA’s EU Working Group.

  • Sandeep Roy Choudhury

    Co-founder and Director
    VNV Advisory Services

    Sandeep serves as a Co-founder and Director at VNV Advisory Services, a social enterprise based in the global south working on community owned nature based removals, sustainable farming for small holders and rural energy access. His on ground work encompasses around 7 million rural households in over 17 countries in Asia and Africa. He has been working for the past 18 years in using market mechanisms and carbon finance to fund sustainable development activities and serves on the board of several NGOs and social organisations as well as on carbon market initiatives such as ICROA and VCMI. He is a Salzburg global fellow, an avid follower of tennis, and a fan of fiction reads.

  • Leslie Durschinger

    Founder & CEO
    Terra Global Capital

    Leveraging 20 years of experience and a proven track record in the financial services industry, Ms. Durschinger founded Terra Global Capital in 2006 to attract private sector capital to nature-based solutions. Ms. Durschinger is recognized as a pioneer and innovator in alignment of development values and financially viable approaches to sustainable landscape management.  Terra is a global leader in nature-based solutions program development, greenhouse gas quantification and community-based business model development, by providing technical expertise and investment capital to a global client base of governments, NGOs, and private companies in a collaborative and participatory manner. Under Durschinger’sleadership Terra has financed numerous commercially viable sustainable landscape management programs, launched an investment fund that provides climate finance to the nature-based solutions sector in the global south. Prior to Terra, Ms. Durschinger held senior management positions in the areas of derivatives trading, investment management, algorithmic trading, risk management, and securities lending. She is a member of the IETA Council and Co-chair Natural Capital Solutions Working Group and has served of numerous standards committees including the Verra VCS Program Advisory Group, REDD+ Social & Environmental Standards Committee, and Verra – VCS JNR Expert Working Group.  Ms. Durschinger and her family make small production olive oil on their farm in Mendocino County. Among her previous employers are JP Morgan, Merrill Lynch, Barclays Global Investors and Charles Schwab.

  • Lisa DeMarco

    Senior Partner and CEO
    Resilient LLP

    Lisa DeMarco is a Senior Partner and CEO at Resilient LLP. She is recognised as one of the world’s leading climate change lawyers with over 25 years of experience in all aspects of climate change and clean energy law. Lisa regularly advises on renewable power project development, energy storage projects, sustainable and climate finance transactions, carbon capture and storage, climate-related financial disclosure, corporate climate risk, ESG, green bonds, and sustainable business strategy. Lisa plays an active role for Fortune 500 companies in corporate ESG, climate change, and transition strategy, target setting, and compliance. Lisa is a director of the boards of the Advanced Energy Centre at MaRS, member and former Chair of the IETA Council, and member of Climate Economy Strategic Council.

  • Jonathan Grant

    Chief Advisor, Climate Change

    Jonathan joined Rio Tinto in 2019 and is the Chief Advisor on Climate Change. He is responsible for Rio Tinto’s climate reporting as well as engagement with investors, civil society groups and others in industry. Jonathan has spent over 25 years in the extractives and consulting sectors focused on the business implications of climate change, policy, scope 3 emissions and offsets. In addition he is a Trustee Director of the Rio Tinto UK pension plan. He has been actively engaged in the UN climate negotiations since COP3 in 1997.

  • Sheri Hickok

    Chief Executive Officer
    Climate Impact Partners

    Sheri is the CEO of Climate Impact Partners, driving the company’s mission to deliver high quality solutions through the carbon markets for a net-zero future. With a background in engineering and executive leadership at General Electric and General Motors, Sheri has demonstrated what it takes to grow nascent markets with operational discipline. She has led global teams to commercialize renewable energy projects globally and pioneer autonomous vehicle technology. Now, her focus is on how the carbon markets can scale at pace to deliver greater outcomes for climate, communities, and biodiversity.

    She is a celebrated leader, earning accolades such as World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leader, the 2022 European Power List by A Word About Wind, and the 2020 Women in Renewables award. She holds engineering and business degrees from Kettering University, Purdue University, and the University of Michigan and resides in London with her family.

  • Takashi Hongo

    Senior Fellow
    Mitsui & Co. Global Strategic Studies Institute

    Takashi Hongo analyses policies and markets of climate change mitigation and adaptation, energy, and industry restructuring, and has been involved in various sustainability related initiatives. He provides advices long term sustainable strategy and risk management to Mitsui & Co., and other companies. He also has been participated in various  study groups and committees of Japanese government.

    Before joining the institute, Takashi worked for Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) as Special Advisor to Governor. He arranged numerous international project finance and policy base lending.

    Takashi is Co-chair of Science and Technology Committee for Environment and Energy (Ministry of Education Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology), Advisor to Japan, expert at ICAO CORSIA Task Force (WG4, FTG and LMR-TG) nominated by Japan.

    Takashi is also a Lecturer of Dokkyo University and Hosei University.

  • Abyd Karmali OBE

    Managing Director,
    ESG & Sustainable Finance
    Bank of America Merrill Lynch

    Abyd Karmali is Managing Director, Environmental Business Advisory at Bank of America in London. From 2007-2014, he served as Merrill Lynch’s (subsequently BofAML) Global Head of Carbon Markets. In 2014, he joined the team supporting the bank’s broader capital deployment commitment to mobilise $1.5 trillion in sustainable finance by 2030.

    Abyd has worked for more than 30 years on climate change and sustainable finance and was made an Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (OBE) in 2019. In 2022, Financial News included Abyd its in inaugural list of “The 50 Most Influential in Sustainable Finance.”

    From 2013 to 2015, Abyd served as one of two inaugural private sector representatives to the Board of the UN Green Climate Fund in South Korea. He holds an MS in Technology and Policy from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

  • Kerry Liebenberg


    Kerry is a Counsel at Linklaters specialising in climate finance, and has practiced in the commodities and carbon markets for 2 decades. In 2005, Kerry joined the carbon finance group at Linklaters (London) having previously practiced as a Senior Associate at Bowman Gilfillan (Johannesburg). Kerry then spent 7 years as the line of business lawyer for the Environmental Markets desk of JPMorgan (London), during which time the bank established itself as a key market player in the early carbon markets. Kerry returned to private practice in 2016, rejoining Linklaters’ commodities and climate finance group. Kerry’s practice area is mainly transactional – her broad commodities experience provides a critical underpinning in the maturing carbon markets and Kerry has advised on many of the market’s pioneering and most challenging transactions. Kerry’s client base includes multilaterals,  global investment banks, market leading corporates, tech giants, commodities trading houses and carbon majors, and she advises on a full range of structured finance transactions across the spectrum of project based activities and technology types, together with secondary and compliance market trading, and on market infrastructure development. Outside of Linklaters, Kerry has been a Council member for IETA since 2022 and also serves as an independent expert on the Development Task Team for UNESCOs Vhembe Biosphere Reserve (VBR) in the Limpopo province, South Africa.

  • Emma Mazhari

    Vice President, Head of Energy Markets

    Emma Mazhari is Vice President, Head of Energy Markets, at A.P. Møller Maersk. Energy Markets acts as the “one face to the market”, with responsibility for securing, optimizing & delivering energy products to the Group to meet customer requirements & energy transition targets.

    Emma has more than 20 years’ experience from building and managing energy trading organisations at majors such as BP, EON and RWE and has been involved in environmental markets since the early 2000s. She holds an M.Sc. in Engineering Physics from Lund University, Sweden.

  • Julie Mulkerin Ortiz

    General Manager, Decarbonization Strategy

    Julie is the General Manager of Decarbonization Strategy in Chevron’s Strategy & Sustainability team. She leads cross-functional teams in setting external and internal incentives for driving a lower carbon future, like GHG targets including net zero aspirations, advancing carbon accounting, developing enterprise climate policy positions, and leading other strategic initiatives. She has been the lead author on five TCFD-aligned Climate Resilience Reports.

    Julie joined Chevron to work in environmental markets in 2008 after completing her MBA at the University of Southern California and working in agricultural commodity trading and for the government. She earned her BA in Spanish at University of California, Davis.

  • Nick Osborne

    Head of Environmental Products Trading

    Nick Osborne leads the Environmental Products Trading Business for Shell Trading. He has global responsibility for environmental markets in both the compliance and voluntary spaces and runs a geographically diverse team with representation from Brisbane to San Diego. He is an energy trading veteran with more than 20 years’ experience across refined products, crude oil, biofuels, freight, carbon and corporate strategy and has lived and worked in the UK, the Netherlands and the USA. He is a passionate supporter of carbon markets and market development having built the bio-ethanol business for Shell during the mid-2000s.

    Shell Trading has been a key participant in carbon markets since 2005 and executed one of the first trades of EU Allowances in the EU Emissions Trading System. Since then, the business has grown in scale, spanning regulated markets in, amongst others, New Zealand, Australia, Singapore, Europe, the USA and Canada. Added to this, Shell has developed a sizable presence in voluntary carbon markets. and adopting the use of carbon credits as part of an avoid/reduce/compensate hierarchy is a key part of the company’s journey to net zero

  • Liv Rathe


    Liv is Head of Department in Climate Office, in Norsk Hydro’s Corporate Development Department. The department which defines Hydro’s climate ambitions and its role in decarbonization. Liv has worked with climate related issues within Hydro since 2000, building up the companie’s knowledge centre regarding climate policies and regulations, and being involved in climate regulation policies both nationally and international. including analysing, developing, and advocating for positions both regarding the EU ETS and other relevant global GHG framework.

    Liv has many years’ experience from different boards, among them the Norwegian Research Council’s Board for Energy and Industry.

    She has over 20 years’ experience from the mandatory and voluntary carbon market and represented Hydro in the board of the World Bank’s Prototype Carbon Fund (the PCF), the first carbon fund under the Kyoto Protocol.

    Since 2018, Liv has been a Board Member of IETA, the International Emission Trading Organization.

    Before 2020, Liv has working experience from renewable policy and investment, venture capital and corporate finance. Liv is an economist from NHH (the Norwegian School of Economics) in Bergen and has studies in Comparative Politics from the University of Bergen.

  • Hendrik Rosenthal

    Director – Group Sustainability
    CLP Holdings Limited

    Hendrik is responsible for CLP Group’s sustainability-related strategy, reporting and communications. He supports the senior management in ESG risk management and advises on sustainability matters of the Group’s power business in Asia Pacific.

    With over 20 years of experience in sustainability and environmental management across sectors, Hendrik previously led research and consulting projects in Canada, Hong Kong and Singapore.

    In addition to his role on the IETA Council, Hendrik currently sits on a number of sustainability-related committees, including as Co-Chair of the Sustainability Committee for the Australian Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong, Environment and Sustainability Committee member of the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce, and member of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants Sustainability Committee, amongst others.

  • Andrei Marcu

    Former IETA President & CEO

  • Kay Harrison

    Kay Harrison is a New Zealander who works in the fight against climate change.

    Until July 2024 Kay was New Zealand’s Climate Change Ambassador. Kay represented New Zealand at international climate change meetings, summits and negotiations.  She led New Zealand’s delegation to meetings of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement.

    Kay now continues to seek solutions to the climate crisis by supporting nations and organisations that seek just outcomes, cooperation and dialogue for our shared future.

    Kay works globally, within the region and in coalitions on all areas of climate action including: enhanced ambition through cooperation in carbon markets; effective climate financing; and sustainable agriculture.

    Kay attended Victoria University of Wellington where she gained a Master of Arts (in History) and a Master of Public Policy.  She was a Harkness Fellow at Harvard University at the Kennedy School of Government.

  • Paulo Protasio

    Paulo is the former chief executive of the Rio de Janeiro chamber of commerce, who served as the very first chair of IETA’s council at its formation in 1999. More recently he serves as Executive Director of the Sustainable Development Authority of the Rio de Janeiro state government.

  • Angela Churie Kallhauge

    Angela Churie Kallhauge was named a fellow to recognise her contribution to driving climate action momentum in the private sector via her role as head of secretariat for the Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition, based at the World Bank. Before the Bank, Angela worked for the Swedish Energy Agency on carbon market development issues. She is currently an executive vice-president for impact at Environmental Defense Fund.

  • Nick Campbell

  • John Scowcroft

    One of the leading pioneers of emissions trading, John Scowcroft was heavily involved with early pilot programmes and trading simulations in Europe during his lengthy tenure at Eurelectric. His posthumous fellowship is to honour the legacy of his work and thought-leadership, and vast contributions to the energy and climate policy space.

  • Hugh Sealy

    Born in Canada, Hugh Sealy was a Special Envoy of the Government of Barbados for climate change and was a senior negotiator for AOSIS om carbon markets. He was named a fellow posthumously in recognition of his vast contributions particularly to the Clean Development Mechanism and development of rules for Article 6 mechanisms under the Paris Agreement, including as a member of and chair of the CDM Executive Board and co-chair of the Article 6 negotiations.

  • Jos Delbeke

    Jos led the development and operation of the EU ETS during his time as Director General of the European Commission’s Directorate General of Climate. He is recognised as a fellow for his leadership in market-based climate policies.

  • Mary Nichols

    Mary was the longstanding Chair of the California Air Resources Board, where she led the development and implementation of California’s climate law and emissions trading programme, including its market linkage with Quebec. She has been a leader in the development of market-based climate policies.

  • Kelley Kizzier

    Kelley served as co-chair of the UNFCCC’s Article 6 negotiations during her tenure at the European Commission and is now director of corporate action and markets at the Bezos Earth Fund, a position that continues to draw on her deep expertise, contagious enthusiasm and consensus-building skills.

  • Frances Seymour

    Frances Seymour is a Distinguished Senior Fellow at the World Resources Institute, focusing on realising the potential of tropical forests to contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation, including mobilising REDD+ finance from public and private sources. She has provided years of expert advice on the formation of incentives for forest protection in carbon market designs, building a reputation as a role model for young women who want to be drivers of change by way of environmental leadership.

  • Karen Degouve

    Karen is a former board member of IETA and led the growth of Natixis’ climate finance business from the outset of the carbon market in 2005. She managed the pioneering European Carbon Fund at Natixis, which was one of the first private-sector led investment initiatives focused on delivering emissions reductions under the Kyoto Protocol.

  • Dan Dudek

    For most of the past 20 years, Dan has worked to build EDF’s programme in China that explores how market-based approaches can advance its emissions objectives. Dan is widely credited with developing the cap-and-trade model that the Bush Administration adopted in the early 1990’s to control sulfur dioxide in the United States. That programme succeeded in reducing emissions below target levels and at a fraction of the predicted costs. More recently, he was a member of California’s advisory committee on the cap-and-trade program for greenhouse gases, which is now in operation and delivering climate benefits.

  • Vikram Widge

    Vikram served as the Global Head of Climate Finance and Policy at the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the private sector focused arm of the World Bank Group. During his 25-year tenure, he developed and managed IFC’s carbon finance business, including delivering products like the Carbon Delivery Guarantee to bridge credit risk between emerging market sellers and European buyers, and the award-winning Forests Bond that linked interest payments to forestry carbon credits. For a period, he oversaw the Group’s cross-cutting carbon market development work, including the Partnership for Market Readiness (supporting countries preparing carbon pricing programmes), the initiative on the next generation of Networked Carbon Markets, and the Pilot Auction Facility.

  • James Cameron

    James, founder of Climate Change Capital, is one of the pioneering climate finance institutions in the early days of the global carbon market. James has been involved in climate change and carbon market issues for many years, as an advisor to the Alliance of Small Island States and to two COP Presidencies, and an advisor to the EU on the creation of the EU Emissions Trading System. He also established Baker & McKenzie’s Global Climate Change and Clean Energy Practice. 

  • Christiana Figueres

    Christiana is former Executive Secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change – and an early supporter of IETA’s work. Christiana was instrumental in the negotiations leading to the signing of the Paris Agreement in 2015. Before being appointed Executive Secretary, Christiana held a number of key roles in the governance of the UNFCCC, including the Clean Development Mechanism Executive Board. 

  • Richard Sandor

    Richard is one of the original contributors to the UN Conference on Trade and Development’s Carbon Forum series that led to the creation of IETA. In addition to being a pioneer in financial markets, Richard founded the Chicago Climate Exchange and the European Climate Exchange.

  • Jean-Yves Caneill

    Jean-Yves joined Electricité de France (EDF) and launched the first project devoted to the climate issue in 1990 and was head of climate policy from 2005 to 2016. He was heavily involved in the design of the EU ETS directive (organising with Eurelectric real carbon trading simulations and taking an active part in the official consultation launched by EC) and respective compliance efforts at EDF. He started working with IETA when the latter was formed in 1999.

  • Jack Cogen

    Jack was the founder and CEO of Natsource, which as an asset manager of carbon credit projects had over $1.2 billion in assets under management and in capital committed during the first Kyoto Protocol investment period. Jack originated, structured and syndicated some of the largest project-based carbon transactions in the world. From 2008 through 2010, Jack was Chairman of IETA.

  • Rutger de Witt Wijnen

    Rutger was nominated in recognition of his contributions to the legal infrastructures around the carbon market, from the early days of the Dutch government’s carbon finance programmes to the Green Climate Fund, and legal support for IETA.

  • Bruce Braine

    Bruce retired from American Electric Power (AEP) in February 2016, after 18 years. During his tenure at AEP, Bruce was chairman of IETA and was an active member of the organisation’s US Working Group, and his fellowship recognises his contribution to IETA. 

  • John Kilani

    Formerly Director for the Sustainable Development Mechanisms (SDM) Programme of the UNFCCC. John oversaw negotiations on carbon markets, both for the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement. The SDM Programme was also responsible for supporting the regulatory bodies for the Kyoto project-based mechanisms. John retired from the UNFCCC in 2016.

  • Ken Newcombe

    As the former head of the World Bank’s Carbon Finance Unit, Ken developed the business concepts around public-private partnerships for generating and trading greenhouse gas emissions reductions. He designed and managed the first global carbon fund, the Prototype Carbon Fund, and grew the Bank’s carbon finance business to over a billion dollars under management before leaving in early 2006 to join the private sector. Ken was also a member of the small team that designed the multi-billion-dollar Global Environment Facility. He is now CEO and a co-founder of C-Quest Capital, which aims to bring clean energy efficient technologies and sustainable fuels to communities in developing countries.

  • Frank Joshua

    Frank was named a Fellow in recognition of his role in establishing IETA in 1999.

  • Pedro Moura Costa

    Pedro is recognised for his contribution to developing the carbon market as the co-founder of EcoSecurities, one of the early pioneers of project-based emissions reduction initiatives.

  • Anne-Marie Warris

    Anne-Marie has over 25 years experience in sustainable matters and is a leading expert in climate change and environmental issues. A former IETA board member, she is recognised for her tireless efforts to bring standards and transparency to the wider carbon market, including efforts on shipping and in establishing the first version of the Verified Carbon Standard in 2006.

  • Richard Gledhill

    While working as the Global Head of Climate Change Services at PWC, Richard served on the IETA Board and Chaired its Finance and Audit Committee. He helped guide IETA’s strategic direction during the market challenges associated with the global financial crisis. He now works as an independent climate change and international development advisor.

  • Mark Proegler

    A former executive at BP in Houston, Mark served on the IETA Board for many years, and he chaired numerous working groups. His command of business strategy, climate policy and carbon markets helped advance the organisation’s reach into the US.

  • Charles Nicholson

    While at BP headquarters, Sir Charles helped launch IETA and shepherd it during its early years. He served on the IETA Board and helped expand the membership ranks in its early years.

  • Bob Page

    From 1997 to 2007, Bob was Vice President for Sustainable Development at Transalta in Calgary, Alberta. He served as Chair of the IETA Board for a number of years. Bob continues to contribute to environmental standards and reporting at the International Standards Organization.

  • Gudmunder Sigursthorsson

    As Senior Vice President of DNV, Gudmundur developed its carbon verification business to support the UN’s Clean Development Mechanism and Joint Implementation programs. He served on the IETA Board, and later as Chairman of the Board of the Verified Carbon Standard.

  • Bill Kyte

    Formerly of E.ON and Powergen, Bill participated in numerous IETA working groups. His contributions to the UK emissions trading scheme in the late 1990’s as a leader of the UK “Emissions Trading Group” helped pave the way for the EU ETS. He was awarded an OBE by the Queen in 2003 for ‘services to the environment in the power sector’.

  • Joan MacNaughton

    Formerly of Alstom, Joan served on the IETA Board. As a former UK energy official, she drew upon deep experience in the interactions of policy, technology, finance and markets. Joan continues to provide thought leadership as Chair of the World Energy Trilemma at the World Energy Council.

  • Dirk Forrister

    Formerly of Natsource, Dirk led IETA’s CDM working group in its early days – and later led its Market Oversight Working Group. Previously, he worked in the US government as Chair of the White House Climate Change Taskforce under President Clinton. After being named a Fellow, Dirk returned to IETA in 2012 as President and CEO.

  • Marc Stuart

    As a co-founder of EcoSecurities, Marc helped lead one of the largest project developers in the early carbon market. Marc served on the IETA Board and chaired the Board of the Verified Carbon Standard. He is now Founding Partner and CEO of Allotrope Partners, a California firm specialising in the transition to a sustainable energy future.

  • Errick “Skip” Willis

    A longtime champion of carbon market solutions while at ICF in Toronto, Skip was a fixture in Canadian climate policymaking. He passed away in 2011, just weeks after being named to the first class of IETA Fellows. In his memory, a group of IETA members and friends established the Skip Willis Undergraduate Scholarship at the University of Toronto’s School of the Environment, where his legacy of mentorship in sustainability continues.